Little Known Facts About Meet LEENA HONAKERI – A Social Entrepreneur From Dharwad, Karnataka

Meet Leena Honakeri, A Social Entrepreneur from Dharwad ,Karnataka who has been working towards  the betterment of the society and is Proud to be crowned as ‘Popular Queen of Universe’ and ‘She is  also honoured  to be crowned as ‘I Am Me Royal India Mrs Asia Classic’. Her social activities ranges from helping the needy to funding kids for education.Her happiness lies in bringing a smile on the faces of the deprived and impart education to villages as many as possible.

* Could you Share your Memorable Moments of 2023?

Ans: 2023 was a year filled with challenges thrown at me on a personal front, which I have been able overcome with my positive attitude towards Life .

* What are  your future plans of 2024?

Ans:  My plans of 2024 is to  be a role model for imparting education to the underprivileged,supporting them emotionally, mentally, physically and if needed be even financially.

* After one year where you want to see yourself?

Ans: I am contented with where I have reached in life, but would definitely want to reach higher goals of becoming a TedX speaker one day.

* What is your message on New Year 2024?

Ans: Live your Dreams and every moment of your life to the fullest as those moments will never come back.

* How do you help People?

Ans: With God’s blessings I am able to help the needy depending on their needs which could be emotionally, mentally, physically and sometimes even financially ( cash or kind)

* What Motivates you?

Ans. I am a simple person and  just a smile on the face of the person I help is my motivation and driving to become a social worker/ activist

* What is your greatest fear,and how do you manage fear?

 Ans:  Some times People misunderstands our action of kindness is my fear..I overcome it by not stopping my kind actions.

* What are your ideals?

Ans: My ideals is ‘However successful you are in life,never forget your morals and roots from where you started ‘

* How do you define Success?

Ans: Success is when the goal set by ‘you’ is reached.

*  What is your favourite aspect of being ab entrepreneur?

Ans: My advice to fresh start-ups is to convert the obstacles into a solid path to success.

* What is your favourite aspects of being an entrepreneur?

Ans:  Helps me improve myself to be a better human being is one of the favourite aspects of being an entrepreneur.

* Wgat has been your most satisfying moment in your journey of success?

Ans: Increasing number Of smiles is the most satisfying moments in my journey .

* What would you say are the top three skills needed to reach the success of ladder?

Ans According to me the top three skills to reach the ladder of success are

.a) Strong-willed.

  1. b) Sustainability.
  2. c) Open to criticism and improvement.

*  What trucks have you discovered to keep you focused ans productive in your day today busy schedule?

Ans: Planning the whole days schedule in the beginning of the day is one of my tricks for a focused and productive schedule.

* Who has been your greatest Inspiration?

Ans: Successful women Social entreprenuers are my inspiration.


Little Known Facts About Meet LEENA HONAKERI –  A Social Entrepreneur From Dharwad, Karnataka